
Capstone Cooperative Education Experience

Students receiving a cooperative education experience from the specialized areas of career and technical education may participate in a Capstone Cooperative Education Experience Through cooperative education, these students “cap off” their formal in-school career and technical education with a related employment experience at a school-approved, work-based learning site.
Students who have met all of the required competencies of their CTE program are recommended for this program by the CTE instructor and approved by the Cooperative Education Coordinator and Director of CTE. Students may apply for employment in their career fields and receive school credit and wages for their experiences. Students must attend school in order to go to work on any given day.

Capstone Internship Experience

Students who have met all of the required competencies of their CTE program are recommended for this program by the CTE instructor and approved by the Cooperative Education Coordinator and Director of CTE. These students may apply for employment in their career fields and receive school credit and may or may not be paid in this experience. Students must attend school in order to go to work on any given day.

Co-op Letter Clearances.docx

Capstone Application

Capstone Training Plan

Co-op Information Sheet.doc

Co-op Obligations 

Weekly Report Capstone.docx

Student Performance Evaluation