Hello My Name Is...
<Mr. Allewelt>
Welcome to the CASD Carpentry/Construction Trades website!
This website will allow students the opportunity to view course descriptions, course goals, course expectations, and grading policies. This site also allows students to view the many different industry certifications that can be obtained in the carpentry/construction trades curriculum.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Carpentry/Construction Trades Curriculum is competency based. Students will be able to work on their own level but will be required to meet a specific number of competencies within the school year. Depending on the year competencies will vary because of the type of work done within the program. Competencies accomplished may also vary from student to student depending on class assignments and abilities.
The overall focus of the course will be to provide instruction and experiences that will allow the student completing the program the ability to fit within a broad spectrum of jobs within the Building Construction field. Students upon completing the program may find entry level employment in such job classifications as, but not limited to, carpenter's helper, framer, roofer, siding applicator, plumber’s helper, electrician worker, mason’s helper, concrete worker.