March 17: COVID-19 Marking Period 3 Update

March 17: COVID-19 Marking Period 3 Update
March 17, 2020

Good afternoon, CASD Families:

We know that there have been many questions about the end of the third marking period and students’ ability to finalize assignments. 

The Carlisle Area School District will change the end date of the third marking period from Wednesday, March 18th to Friday, March 27th, 2020. Report cards will be sent home on April 15th. 

These ten days of school closure are not Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs). No new tasks and assignments will be assigned. However, we hope that this additional window of time gives teachers and students an opportunity to communicate and tie up the “loose ends” of the marking period. 

Students and their families are encouraged to contact their teachers with any specific questions. 

Teachers will receive more detailed information and guidance on finalizing third marking period grades. 

Clearly, this is not how any of us envisioned concluding the third marking period. We appreciate the continued support and flexibility of our teachers, students, families, and community, and we will move through this challenging time together.

We will continue to update you as we learn more in the coming days and weeks. 


Christina M. Spielbauer