Course Selection Information

CLICK HERE FOR: Educational Planning Guide 2025-2026 -- COMING SOON!

CLICK HERE FOR: Informational Student Packet -- COMING SOON!

CLICK HERE FOR: Parent/Student Course Selection Memo -- COMING SOON!


Educational Planning Guide:
The Educational Planning Guide (EPG) has been prepared to assist students, parents, and school personnel in the complex task of planning an appropriate personal educational program. It contains general information about the academic program of Carlisle High School as well as explanations of subject offerings and graduation requirements.

To plan an effective and realistic educational program, students and parents should take into consideration the student’s abilities, career goals, and interests. They should study the entire guidebook looking for all relevant information, and they should carefully read the course descriptions.  They should also consider their student’s academic records for the past several years.  While grades received in middle school should not necessarily dictate the academic program in high school, a review of those report card grades should give a good indication of strengths and weaknesses.  Using this information, students can plan a program of studies that meets their needs.
Parents or students who need additional assistance in selecting courses should contact their student’s teachers or counselor.  All staff members are available to assist in the important task of choosing the right programs for students.