



Affidavit/Verification Form

On July 16, 2015 the Carlisle Area School District Board of Directors approved a new Volunteer Policy #916. This new policy is in accordance with recent changes in the Child Protective Services law. Current volunteers will need to complete the FBI Fingerprinting Clearance (Act 114) or complete the Volunteer Verification certifying that you have resided in PA. for the last ten (10) years. All current volunteers must comply with Act 114 before any volunteer activity for the 2017-2018 school year.

New Volunteers – Please review the application/check list. All new volunteers will need to complete all requirements prior to any volunteer activity in a school or on a field trip. It is important to understand who is a volunteer. The language in the law regarding this requirement has recently changed.

Who is a Volunteer?

Recent legislation has redefined the guidelines of who is considered a volunteer in the school system. The new definition now reads: “The care, supervision, guidance or control of children and routine interaction with children” The legislation also added a definition of the term routine interaction: “regular, repeated and continual contact that is integral to a person’s volunteer responsibilities.”

The district administration has developed a list to help individuals decide if they are a volunteer or a visitor in the district. Below are some common volunteer assignments in the district as examples:

Volunteers (all clearances needed)
Class Tutors
College Student Tutors
After School Club Helpers
Adopt a Grade Volunteers
Kid Writing Tutors
Room Parents
Lunch Bunch Readers
Classroom and/or Recess Helpers
Visitors (no clearances needed)
Lunch with your child
Class Visit(Twice a year) parents excluded
Guest speakers/readers
Annual PTO Event Helpers
Science/History Fair Judges
Picture Day Helpers
Veteran Day Program Helpers


Please Note – The above list is not meant to be exhaustive. The district will have to make decisions on new programs and/or activities based upon the definitions above as they become available to buildings and/or departments. Building principals will have final determination regarding individuals who will volunteer or be considered visitors in their respective schools.

Policy #916 - Volunteer

Request for Clearances