All students who are enrolled in the 11th grade Civics course are required to complete 10 hours of community service at an approved agency or institution.
Community service calls us to reach outside our comfort zone and to become aware of the needs of others, especially those who are not as fortunate as we are. In so doing, we learn new skills, and learn more about ourselves and about others. For these reasons, a number of student organizations at Carlisle High School ask members to engage in community service as a condition of membership.
So that there is a common and consistent understanding of what constitutes community service among members of these organizations, the following guidelines are offered. If you have questions about these guidelines, please speak with your organization’s advisor.
Activities that fulfill community service requirements at CHS:
- Take place outside school hours.
- Are performed under the supervision of an adult who can verify the service.
- Are in service of a non-profit organization.
- Are offered without compensation.
- Provide a service or benefit to someone outside the student’s family, neighbors or close friends.
- Service in association with a religious group (e.g. church, synagogue, temple, mosque) must be of benefit to the community at large.
- Political activities should be non-partisan (e.g. voter registration, voter education).
- Uncompensated tutoring or coaching for a non-profit organization.
Activities that DO NOT fulfill community service requirements at CHS:
- Paid or compensated work.
- Work done directly for a religious institution (e.g. participating in a church choir or praise band, religious instruction, working at a faith-based camp or retreat).
- Work done in support of a particular political candidate or political party (e.g. campaigning, fundraising, stuffing envelopes or working at a party office).
- Service to a family member, or close family friend or neighbor.
- Donations (e.g. blood or hair for Locks of Love)
- Court mandated community service.
- Activities that serve the interests of an individual or student organization or athletic team, or participation in most extra-curricular activities.
- Work performed at a for-profit company or organization.
Listed below are the necessary documents to complete the 6 hours of community service.

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