Student Laptops & BYOD Printing from within the District (Printable version linked at bottom of the page.)
Prior to printing SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT. This procedure only prints from a SAVED document; no screen prints.
1. Locate IE and click to open Internet Explorer
2. Locate your FAVORITES on your MENU BAR and click to open list
3. Preset on all student laptops is WEB PRINTING site. (http://tech-prn-01:9191/app)
4. PAPERCUT login screen will appear from IE link.
6. Your PAPERCUT login will send you to the SUMMARY screen. This gives you a listing of your activities for printing.
IGNORE fees. There are NO fees to print at CHS.
7. Locate and click on WEB PRINT from menu on left side.
8. The WEB PRINT menu shows all the ACTIVE or CURRENT print jobs submitted.
9. To create a new print job, click on SUBMIT A JOB link.
10. The available printers are listed in STEP 1 of WEB PRINT. Click on your nearest print option and then click on PRINTER OPTIONS AND ACCOUNT SELECTION.
NOTE: Library and Lab printers are available for general student printing services.
11. Step 2 asks for how many COPIES. Leave the default number as 1. Do not PRINT more than 1 copy without permission. Click on 3. UPLOAD DOCUMENT.
12. Step 3, click BROWSE to locate and upload the file to print.
13. Accepted FILE TYPES are PDF and any Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel and PowerPoint). Browse to the location of your document for printing. Click on UPLOAD & COMPLETE.
14. Your printing should now be complete. Please claim your hardcopy (i.e. printed document) from its printing location as soon as possible.
NOTE: There is no printing accessibility from the CASD Web Portal.
Printing from Student Laptops at School (PDF - 818 KB)
pdf file: You need Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 7 or higher) to view this file. Download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for PC or Macintosh.