Automotive Technology
Mr. David Appleman-Instructor
Required Courses for Program Completion: Automotive Technology I-II-III-9 credits total
Students in the Automotive Technology program apply technical knowledge and skill in servicing and maintaining automobiles and light trucks. Students completing this program earn a number of widely recognized industry certifications including ASE, NATEF, PA State Inspection, and PA State Emissions. As a recognized Program of Study by the Department of Education, students take advantage of many state-wide articulation agreements to gain post secondary credits. A Capstone Cooperative Education experience is available to eligible students in their senior year.
National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF): A national accredidation awarded to Automotive programs that exceed industry recognized standards of excellence.
Pennsylvania State Inspection: students who earn this certification can perform the required inspections all car owners must have on their vehicles.
Pennsylvania Emmissions Inspection: students who earn this certification can perform the emmissions inspection all car owners must have on their vehicles.
Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES): a partnership among participating automotive manufacturers, participating dealerships and select secondary automotive programs designed to encourage young people to consider satisfying careers in retail automotive service and prepare them for entry level positions, career positions or advanced studies in automotive technology.

Automobile-Automotive Mechanics Technology-Technician.pdf: Program Overview
47.0604 Auto Mechanics.pdf: PDE Approved Task List
Automotive Technology: Course Descriptions and Scope and Sequence

Automotive Technology Webpage: Mr. Appleman's Teacher Webpage