If you need technology support for a student device or application, please review the notes below. If you need additional help, please submit a service request using the link at the bottom of this page.
Click here for additional tips for iPad Internet and Home Wi-Fi Issues.
Restart: Many hardware, software, and application issues are solved with a device restart.
* iPad: Press and hold the power button until you are prompted on the screen to shut down.
* Laptop: Choose the Restart option from the Windows -> Power Icon -> Restart OR press and hold the power button for 10 seconds until the laptop shuts down.
Internet filter: The District operates and enforces a technology protection measure(s) that blocks or filters access to inappropriate matter by minors on District devices. However, on a global network, it is impossible to control all materials. Parents are encouraged to monitor Internet use as possible.
Internet Filter Issues: Student laptops need to be connected to the STUDENT wifi.
-> Connect to the District Wifi (close proximity to a District building) and restart the laptop.
-> Click on the wifi symbol (bottom right corner of your screen).
-> Make sure the STUDENT option is selected and active.
Laptop power issues: Make sure that the two-piece charging cable has both sections plugged together tightly.
-> Press and hold the power button for at least 30 second to drain all the power from the laptop.
-> Push the power button and wait for the laptop to turn on again.
Logon issues: Restart on the District's Wifi. This can be done in close proximity to a building's front door (sometimes a parking lot).
Microsoft Office/MS Office Activation Error: This is a problem with the laptops being away from the District network for license keys.
-> Students should still be able to use the web version of the Microsoft products with no feature loss, https://www.office.com.
-> To resolve the issue, the device needs to be on the District network.
Get in close proximity/park close to a District building
Connect to the District's STUDENT WiFi
Restart the computer/laptop
Log on with their network username and password
Launch a Microsoft application
Wait approximately two minutes for the product to become licensed
Schoology access (middle and high school): If you are having trouble logging into Schoology: Click here for full login instructions.
* Make sure you are using the https://carlisleschools.schoology.com URL and NOT www.schoology.com.
* Make sure you are using the correct email address networkusername@carlislestudents.org.
Wifi issues:
-> Disconnect and reconnect to the wireless network.
-> Try to connect in different areas of your house.
-> Prioritize internet usage (ex. No gaming during work time).
-> Restart your device (laptop or iPad).
-> Restart the wireless router and modem.
-> Click here for free internet options.
If there is still an issue and to report damage, loss, or theft:
For Middle School and Elementary School Students attending in person, report technical issues to your teacher for assistance. They can help troubleshoot the issue, submit a tech support ticket on your behalf, or set up a new iPad for you if that is needed.
For High School Students attending in person, technical support is also offered daily 7:30 - 2:45 PM in Room H123 in the Vocational Technical building/hallway.
For Carlisle Virtual Academy (CVA) students or any student that is learning remotely (not in-person), click here to submit a Technology Service Request or call 717-240-6800 x13803 and leave a message. Please include the student's full name and a phone number if leaving a voice mail message.