Accounting or Marketing
Accounting Teacher: Ms. Kirsti Larsen
Marketing Teacher: Mr. Joe Conklin
Courses Offered: Introduction to Business and Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, Accounting, Business Management and Global Economic Markets, Marketing I: Sales, Sports, and Entertainment Management and Marketing Basics, Marketing II: Advanced Marketing Principles and Business Planning, and Career Experience-Business Focus.
Business careers are in high demand in today’s competitive and global marketplace. Furthermore, an understanding of management, marketing, entrepreneurship, accounting, personal finance, and technology are necessary to succeed in any career. All students enrolled in business accounting or marketing courses can learn basic skills as well as career training in accounting, business ownership, and marketing strategies. Additionally, business students are eligible to acquire college credits through local and state articulations with state and regional post-secondary schools. Opportunities are available for students to develop skills and competence in business through participation in managing and marketing the high school’s Bison Corner-a student run enterprise, and competing in events sponsored by DECA an Association for Business Students.
Students with a serious interest in pursuing a business related career and/or post-secondary opportunities can take courses toward the completion of a Program of Study in Accounting-PDE CIP-Code 52.0302 or Marketing-PDE CIP Code 52.1801. Students, who complete the proper scope and sequence of academic and business courses and score proficient on the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) exam, are eligible for “completer” status in the Accounting or Marketing career and technical education programs. These students receive the Pennsylvania Skills Certificate; a nationally recognized credential issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and can take advantage of statewide and local articulation agreements to receive college credit. A Capstone Cooperative Education or Career Exploratory experience is available to seniors who pursue the Accounting or Marketing programs of study.
In development

Accounting-Business Academy(PDF - 152 KB)
Program Overview
Accounting-Business Academy(PDF - 43 KB)
PDE Approved Task List
Accounting-Business Academy (PDF - 117 KB)
Course Descriptions and Scope and Sequence
Marketing-Business Academy (PDF - 36 KB)
Program Overview
Marketing-Business Academy (PDF - 42 KB)
PDE Approved Task List
Marketing-Business Academy (PDF - 109 KB)
Course Descriptions and Scope and Sequence
Thundering Toward Excellence in Entrepreneurship (PDF - 195 KB)
Bison Corner Article-"Techniques"-ACTE/2014

- Teachers:
Mr. Kyle Watkins
- Mr. Conklin's Teacher