The Center for Careers and Technology also provides several opportunities for students to develop their technical skills, showcase their talents and serve their community through participation in one or more of the following activities. As members of these organizations, students compete for scholarships and other prizes at local, state and national competitions.
DECA: An Association of Marketing Students: A career and technical student organization designed to enhance a specific career objective in marketing, management, business, or distribution. Any student enrolled in a Marketing course, Business Education course or has an interest in the field of marketing, management, or business is eligible for membership in local, state or national DECA, an organization dedicated to "Developing Future Leaders in Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship." Since 2012 Carlisle has had students advance to National Competitions in Salt Lake City, UT, Atlanta, GA, and Anaheim, CA. To join please see Mr. Conklin or Ms. Larsen in Fowler F03 and F07.

Skills USA: The mission of Skills USA is to help students become world-class workers and responsible American citizens. The organization's theme, Skills USA: Champions at Work, encourages students to be connected, involved and motivated in reaching their career goals. Since 2002 the Center has had students advance to the National Competition in Louisville, Kentucky and Kansas City, Missouri. To join please see Mrs. Stritch in the Cooperative Education office on the second floor of Fowler.
Carlisle E-sports Club This club is part of our Computer Networking program.
The purpose of the E-Sports Club is to connect students, faculty and staff through the use of and discussion about gaming culture, play and competition. See their website for more details. Carlisle E-sports link