The three years of required Social Studies are divided into three programmatic options that are geared toward students’ post-secondary plans.
The Option I selection is designed to address the needs of vocationally-minded students. These students may be planning to go directly into a vocation after graduation, or they may enroll in a vocational or technical school. This curriculum will provide an essential background into our heritage and our governmental and economic systems that will help students become useful and productive citizens.
The Option II curriculum has been developed with the four-year college-bound student in mind. It provides a rigorous academic background that lays the foundation for college-level work in history and civics.
The Honors curriculum is intended to provide students who demonstrate exceptional interest and ability in social studies the opportunity to pursue topics on a more collegiate level. The courses are designed for students with superior verbal skills, strong self-motivation, the ability to read and learn rapidly, and the willingness to encounter challenges beyond the regular Option II classroom. Additionally, the course will highlight various relevant historical skills that are necessary for Advanced Placement courses and the study of history at the post-secondary level. It is strongly recommended for students who may want to elect AP courses in their 11th and 12th grade years. When selecting an Honors course, students and parents must complete the "Student & Parent Agreement for Enrollment in Advanced Courses" contract and submit with their course selection sheet at the time of course selection. (See below for download of contract.)
Also, seniors (and select juniors) will have the option of choosing certain electives that allow them to explore other and more concentrated aspects of the social studies. These electives are not organized into Options I or II and may be selected by any student. Advanced Placement study of U.S. and European History and U.S. Government & Politics is also available.

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