ELD: English Language Development (formerly ESL)

ELD Department

The CASD Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP)

Once placed in the program, the LIEP is designed to support students who are learning English as a subsequent language by offering five different levels of support:


Elementary Leveled Pull-Out Support

1 on 1, or small group

Elementary Push-In Support

into the regular classroom

Secondary Leveled ELD Class

by grade and/or English language proficiency levels

ELD Academic Support / Resource Room

during Resource time / study hall / elective class period

FEL Monitoring

tracking academic progress for 2 years after reclassification


Identification of English Learners (ELs)

During registration with the Carlisle Area School District (CASD), families are required to fill out a Home Language Survey (HLS). If a language other than English is noted on the HLS, the English Language Development (ELD) Coordinator will review the student's complete registration and may contact the family or previous schools for additional information. The ELD Coordinator will review all available documents and, if deemed necessary, a member of the ELD staff will assess the student within fourteen days of enrollment to determine their level of English language proficiency in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. 

If the student is identified as needing ELD services, the family will receive a letter describing the assessment results as well as the need for language acquisition support and building assignment.   

Ongoing Assessment of ELs

As a member-state of WIDA, the CASD uses the ACCESS (Assessing Communication and Comprehension in English State to State) test to annually assess the language proficiency levels of ELs and/or evaluate their status in the program.  Results of this assessment are received by the District during the summer and parents are notified of their child's score at the start of the following school year.  Score reports are also translated into the family's home language.

Reclassification of ELs as Former English Learners (FELs)

Prior to receiving WIDA ACCESS score reports, ELD teachers and classroom/content area teachers collaboratively evaluate ELs that are in the Expanding to Bridging level of English language proficiency in both expressive and receptive domains.  The CASD follows PDE's guidelines for the reclassification of ELs and monitoring of FELs.  

Some ELD Resource Links for Parents, Teachers and Students:

Colorín Colorado

On-line dictionary

Appropriate Translation @ WordReference.com

ESL Games

Teach-nology ELD Lesson Plans

Learn English with Duolingo