MLK Project
In celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the Carlisle MLK Commemoration Event Committee sponsors a creative project for grades 1-12 in the Carlisle Area School District and community each year. Students were encouraged to work independently or collaboratively on a project that speaks to this year’s theme: “Remember! Celebrate! Act! Working Together for Equity and Justice.” Please take some time to peruse the submitted projects!
Elementary Schools
Collaborative Project from Mt. Holly Springs Elementary School - 5th Grade
Collaborative Project from Crestview Elementary School - 5th Grade
Collaborative Project from Hamilton Elementary School - 5th Grade
Collaborative Project from Mooreland Elementary School - 5th Grade
Lamberton Middle School
"Martin Luther King, Jr.," a poem by Frankie Buttafuoco (Grade 8)
"A Tribute to Dr. King," a poem by Logan Kuntz (Grade 7)
"Mask of Humanity," creation by Chloe Kappeler (Grade 6)
"Dreams Come True," a poster project by Rowyn Burger (Grade 6)
Wilson Middle School
"Dreams Become Reality," artwork by Adalyn Baumann (Grade 8)
"MLK's Famous Speech," artwork by Wyatt Blackburn (Grade 7)
MLK Scholarship Opportunity
Together with the generous support of its sponsors, the Commemoration Committee awards several scholarships each year based on academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, and civic engagement. High school seniors, current college students, as well as adult learners in other secondary programs are encouraged to apply for these scholarships.
In an effort to broaden the impact of these scholarships within the greater Carlisle community, the Committee also invites students graduating from the Carlisle GED program who plan to attend community college, college, or skill training programs to apply for this scholarship as well.
Additional scholarships will be available as funding permits for other adult members of the community who are pursuing or plan to pursue education or skills training programs.
Applicants should demonstrate adherence to the principles that guided Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., such as an unwavering commitment to non-violence and to policies that eliminate racial inequities and advance racial justice.
To apply, please complete and submit this APPLICATION.
CHS students can also obtain an application in the McGowan counseling center or from their English teacher.
The deadline to apply for scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year is June 1, 2023.
Scholarship recipients for the 2023-2024 academic year will be recognized at the MLK Commemoration Event in January 2024.
2022-2023 Scholarship Recipients
Destiny McFalls
Dickinson College
Daija Berry
West Chester University, class of 2022
Rev. Ivy Berry
United Lutheran Seminary
Kurt Danysh