
CASD Elementary Orchestra



Please click on your teacher's name below to send them an email.

WMS 6, 7/8 Orchestra - Mrs. Funkhouser, Director
LMS 6, 7/8 Orchestra - Ms. Gawel, Director
CHS Orchestra - Mr. Kuehrmann, Director
Elementary Orchestra - Mrs. Funkhouser and Mr. Kuehrmann

Treble Staff With Notes.png

The music department would like to invite all 4th and 5th graders to be part of band or orchestra this year!  Registration is required- the deadline is Friday, September 13th.  Students who participated last year do not need to register again. Go to our elementary instrumental website for more information.  

Treble Staff With Notes.png

September 4, 2024 - Instrument Try-Out Night for ES at Lamberton Middle School at 6 PM
September 11, 2024 - Instrument Try-Out Night for ES at Wilson Middle School at 6 PM
November 19, 2024 - CHS Fall Concert with choir/band/orchestra at Carlisle High School at 7 PM
December 10, 2024 - LMS Winter Concert with choir/band/orchestra at Lamberton Middle School at 7 PM
December 11, 2024 - WMS Winter Concert with choir/band/orchestra at Wilson Middle School at 7 PM
December 18, 2023 - CHS Holiday Orchestra Concert at Carlisle High School (AM)
March 11, 2025 - CASD Orchestra Concert at Carlisle High School at 7 PM
May 8, 2025 CHS Spring Orchestra Concert at Carlisle High School at 7:30 PM
May 15, 2025 - WMS Spring Band and Orchestra Concert at Wilson Middle School at 7 PM
May 19, 2025 - LMS Spring Band and Orchestra Concert at Lamberton Middle School at  7 PM
May 21, 2025 - Elementary Spring Concert with choir/band/orchestra at Carlisle High School at 6:30 PM