Students Occupationally and Academically Ready
College is a good next-step for Career and Technical Education students. SOAR is a new opportunity for students which makes earning college credits through your career and technical program of study a real possibility.
How Can Career and Technical Education Students Earn Free College Credits?
-Enroll in one of Carlisle High School's approved CTE programs.
-Maintain a 2.5 grade point average in your technical courses.
-Achieve competent or advanced standing on the End of Program Assessment (NOCTI, etc).
-Complete a competency task list at Proficient or Above.
-Earn industry certificates where available.
-Successfully apply to the college of your choice that offers your Program of Study.
The key to a successful and productive society is found in maintaining an educated workforce. Pennsylvania's commitment to developing that workforce is evidenced by its dedication to career and technical education. Whether you want to become a computer technician, an accountant, or a chef, you've come to the right place. To access the SOAR state wide articulation click on the link below.
The Center for Careers and Technology is a partner with several local post secondary institutions which are not on the state-wide articulation agreement list. To learn more about how you can be earning free college credits to these schools while still attending high school, see Dr. Parrillo in the CTE Office.
McCann School of Business and Technology
• Credit by Exam for Childcare and Computer Networking
• Credit by Exam for Cosmetology leading to an Associate Degrees in Massage Therapy or Business Administration
• Credit by Exam for courses offered in the Business Academy
Harrisburg Area Community College
• Articulation Agreements for Accounting, Automotive Technology, Culinary Arts, Carpentry, Integrated Office, Diversified Occupations, and Rehabilitation Aide
• College in the High School for Integrated Office II
• Credit for earning Industry Certifications offered in Computer Networking
• Credit for earning Industry Certifications offered in the Business Academy
Johnson and Wales University
• Fast Track Program-12 credits: Culinary Arts
Pennsylvania College of Technology
• OSHA Career Safe Certification-2 credits
Universal Technical Institute
• Advanced Standing: Credit by Exam or $500.00 Acceptance Scholarship
Wilson College
• Advanced Standing for completion of Accounting I and II-3 credits
SOAR-Statewide Articulation Agreement
• CTE/PDE- Programs of Study
Click on this link to learn more about CTE Programs of Study.
• Program of Study Task Lists
Click on this link to access the task lists for specific CTE Programs of Study.
• Post Secondary Institutions Accepting SOAR Credits
Click on this link to view the list of Perkins allocated post secondary institutions accepting credits from CTE-SOAR Programs.