
Below are Rules for the Carlisle Wrestling program. Please refer any question(s) you may have regarding the material to your coach.  This contract is in addition to the Code of Conduct for Carlisle Area School District.
Student participation in the Wrestling program for the Carlisle Area School District is a privilege, which may be revoked or suspended when the Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct is violated or when player expectations aren’t met as outlined in this contract. This contract shall be applied throughout the in-season time frame, both to and from school-sponsored activities.

Carlisle Wrestling Rules

  1. Practice is mandatory. If you will be late or miss practice you must contact a coach through email.
  2. Home matches you will wear your warm up to school. Away matches you will wear a shirt and tie.
  3. We will have wrestle offs for all individual tournaments. Coaches will determine who is wrestling in dual matches.
  4. Wrestlers must ride to and from events with the team unless otherwise communicated by the athletic director.
  5. All school rules will be followed at away/overnight events. This includes the use of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs. Vapping included. 
  6. Study hall is mandatory after school 2:45-3:45 for all wrestlers and managers. Any student with an F will be mandated to attend CASH until they do not have an F.
  7. You are responsible for all issues uniform. If you lose an item you will be held financially responsible for it.
  8. Showering after practice is HIGHLY recommend, but can not be forced. Following good hygiene practice will help prevent skin infections.
  9. If there is an issue with a coach, please see the head coach. If the head coach can not help you, see the athletic director.
  10. If there is an issue at a dual meet or tournament. Please give the coach 24 hours after before you approach them.
  11. The managers are an extension of the coaching staff and will be treated as so. They are not servants to the wrestlers.