The Bison Foundation, formerly known as The Carlisle Foundation, was established in 2001 as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. The mission of the Foundation is to provide direct funding or to subsidize current funding for the realization of educational, cultural, and athletic programs for the enjoyment, enrichment and enhancement of Carlisle Area School District students and community residents. The Bison Foundation’s main goal is to supplement, not to supplant, the school district’s budget since State and Federal funds have been substantially reduced. This has consequently led to the elimination of numerous programs and services that benefit the students and community.
The Foundation’s philosophy is that if children, the District and community are to continue to excel scholastically, culturally, socially and athletically, the Foundation must find new ways to expand and develop programs to meet the needs of the 21st century.
The Bison Foundation’s main goal is to supplement, not to supplant, the school district’s budget since State and Federal funds have been substantially reduced.
The Carlisle Area School District
The Carlisle Area School District, serving over 5,000 students, is committed to providing all students with educational and leadership opportunities to develop their intellect and character so that they will accept and meet the challenges of personal responsibility, enabling them to become contributing members of our diverse society. The District makes every attempt to support a school climate that is based on high expectations and respect for individuality of all students and staff.
Situated in the heart of Cumberland County, the Carlisle Area School District encompasses 78 square miles and draws students from the Carlisle Borough, Mount Holly Springs Borough, North Middleton Township, Dickinson Township, and the Carlisle Barracks. Located within the community and working in partnerships with the District are Dickinson College, Penn State Dickinson School of Law, and the US Army War College. The Carlisle Area School District views the District’s cultural, racial, and socioeconomic diversity of the Carlisle community as both a strength and an asset. The curriculum is rigorous, and the staff is supported by a varied menu of professional development which recently has focused on technology integration and research-based strategies to improve student learning and literacy.
The District is a leader in the use of technology to enhance instruction and to ensure efficiencies in daily operations. All classrooms are equipped with Internet access and interactive white boards. The District currently runs the Carlisle Area School District Virtual Academy for students in grades 6-12 which offers several virtual course options. A new feature, the Academy Online, provides a full-time online solution for students who desire cyber-school programming. If students successfully complete the required credits, they will receive a Carlisle High School diploma.
“The Bison Foundation funding will allow students to participate in academic and cultural programs that will enrich their educational experience and will support the District’s mission of educating every child. I am very grateful for The Bison Foundation and its efforts in this Capital Campaign.”
-John W. Friend, Former Superintendent