Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 2020


The winners of the 2020 South Central Pennsylvania Scholastic Art and Writing Awards were announced on Thursday, January 23! 

CASD submitted 158 writing entries from grades 8-12. (Additional entries were also submitted by students on their own after the district submission deadline.) Students submitted pieces in the following categories: Science Fiction/Fantasy, Humor, Short Story, Poetry, Flash Fiction, Personal Essay/Memoir, Critical Essay, Dramatic Script, Journalism, and Writing Portfolio. 72 submissions received regional awards.  Altogether, CASD students received 20 Gold Keys, 26 Silver Keys, and 26 Honorable Mentions for their writing submissions. 

Brayden Burge (grade 8) was recognized as an “American Voices Nominee” for his Flash Fiction piece “Midnight Death Trap,” and Laci Crum (grade 11) was recognized as an “American Voices Nominee” for her poetry submission entitled “Our Rusty Swing Set.” For more information on the American Voices & Visions Medal, click here. 

CASD submitted 65 art entries from grades 8-12.  Students submitted pieces in the following categories: Painting, Drawing & Illustration, Ceramics & Glass, Digital Art, Comic Art, Mixed Media, Photography, and Sculpture. 21 art submissions received regional awards: 2 Gold Keys, 7 Silver Keys, and 12 Honorable Mentions.

All Gold Key awardees’ entries are currently being considered for national recognition in New York City. National winners will be announced in March. Best of luck to them, and congratulations to all of our CASD students who submitted their work and whose work received recognition! Additional thanks and congratulations to the following English and art teachers who helped students prepare and submit their entries: Sarah Clayville, Dana Smetana, Ellie Park, Dorene Wilbur, Marj Boggess, Jess Rauhauser, Keely McGeehan, Russel Gillock, Suzanne Pagel, Amie Bantz, Fran Tolan, and Ashley Gogoj.

Carlisle High School

Student, Grade

Award, Grade

Emma Adgie, 10

Gold Key, Poetry

Sophia Balfour, 11

Honorable Mention, Personal Essay & Memoir

Ella Rose Barry, 10

Silver Key, Personal Essay & Memoir

Elizabeth Blymire, 10

Silver Key, Short Story

Ella Bowman, 10

Honorable Mention, Painting

Dylan Boyd, 11

Silver Key, Short Story

Mattingly Brummer, 11

Silver Key, Flash Fiction

Josetta Checkett, 11

Honorable Mention, Short Story

Anastasia Chovanes, 9

Gold Key, Poetry

Calyn Clements, 7

Gold Key, Flash Fiction

Jack Collins-Bloomquist, 12

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Sara Cornelio, 11

Gold Key, Personal Essay & Memoir

Sophia Corona, 9

Silver Key, Poetry

Angelica Cramer, 11

Silver Key, Flash Fiction

Anna Crawford, 11

Honorable Mention, Dramatic Script

Laci Crum, 11

Gold Key, American Voices Nominee, Poetry

Dinela Dedic, 9

Silver Key, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Dervla Dolan, 10

Gold Key, Critical Essay

Ruby Frazier, 9

Silver Key, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Avery Gallahue, 10

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Rebekah Garrido, 9

Silver Key, Poetry

Lola Gehman, 10

Gold Key, Poetry

Andrea Gemmell, 12

Silver Key, Sculpture

Euphemia Gray, 9

Honorable Mention, Sculpture

Samuel Hopkins, 11

Honorable Mention, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Elsa Hritz, 11

Gold Key, Poetry

Kyra Jackson, 11

Silver Key, Poetry

Kristina Kaufman, 11

Honorable Mention, Dramatic Script

Gabrielle Knapp, 10

Silver Key, Poetry

Summer Kristofek, 12

Honorable Mention, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Bryn Lafferty, 11

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Graham Lively, 10

Silver Key, Poetry

Kensington MacMillen, 9

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Xenia Makosky, 12

Gold Key, Poetry

Xenia Makosky, 12

Gold Key, Writing Portfolio

Xenia Makosky, 12

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Xenia Makosky, 12

Silver Key, Poetry

Samantha Martin, 12

Gold Key, Journalism

Carter Martin, 9

Honorable Mention, Dramatic Script

Samantha Martin, 12

Honorable Mention, Personal Essay & Memoir

Samantha Martin, 12

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Rachel Martin, 11

Silver Key, Personal Essay & Memoir

Samantha Martin, 12

Silver Key, Journalism

Aubrey McBride, 9

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Riley Mercado, 9

Honorable Mention, Mixed Media

Maddy Midgley, 12

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Ainsley Morton, 12

Silver Key, Mixed Media

Jayden Murray, 11

Silver Key, Flash Fiction

Olivia Myers, 10

Honorable Mention, Humor

Amy O'Rourke, 12

Gold Key, Painting

Amy O'Rourke, 12

Silver Key, Digital Art

Amy O'Rourke, 12

Silver Key, Painting

Amy O'Rourke, 12

Silver Key, Digital Art

Grace Pak, 9

Gold Key, Poetry

John Peters, 11

Honorable Mention, Flash Fiction

Morgan Pontious, 10

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Jacob Rauhut, 12

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Olivia Renault, 10

Silver Key, Flash Fiction

Ashley Richwine, 9

Silver Key, Short Story

Katherine Robey, 11

Gold Key, Short Story

Isabella Rose, 7

Gold Key, Humor

Sophia Salomone, 11

Gold Key, Flash Fiction

Morgan Schrubb, 11

Honorable Mention, Ceramics & Glass

Morgan Schrubb, 11

Honorable Mention, Ceramics & Glass

Sophia Setta, 11

Honorable Mention, Personal Essay & Memoir

Caroline Shatzer, 11

Gold Key, Poetry

Mabel Sheesley, 11

Gold Key, Poetry

Mabel Sheesley, 11

Honorable Mention, Painting

Seneca Sheesley, 11

Honorable Mention, Ceramics & Glass

Seneca Sheesley, 11

Honorable Mention, Ceramics & Glass

Seneca Sheesley, 11

Silver Key, Ceramics & Glass

Regan Storm, 9

Silver Key, Poetry

Madison Tack, 11

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Madison Tack, 11

Honorable Mention, Drawing & Illustration

Kayla Unger, 11

Honorable Mention, Poetry

John Paul Wargins, 9

Gold Key, Short Story

Loryn Whistler, 11

Silver Key, Poetry

Lucy Wylie, 11

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Lamberton Middle School

Student, Grade

Award, Grade

Dolly Hritz, 8

Honorable Mention, Painting

Ella Shatz, 8

Gold Key, Ceramics & Glass

Ella Shatz, 8

Honorable Mention, Ceramics & Glass

Ella Shatz, 8

Honorable Mention, Ceramics & Glass

Ella Shatz, 8

Silver Key, Ceramics & Glass

Wilson Middle School

Student, Grade

Award, Grade

Hannah Barker, 8

Silver Key, Poetry

Madison Bohrer, 8

Honorable Mention, Short Story

Brayden Burge, 8

Gold Key, American Voices Nominee, Flash Fiction

Abbi Clark, 8

Silver Key, Flash Fiction

Helaina Deaton, 8

Gold Key, Short Story

Sara Dowling, 8

Silver Key, Flash Fiction

Jake Kiesow, 8

Silver Key, Flash Fiction

Jack Spears, 8

Honorable Mention, Poetry

Cordelia Thomas, 8

Silver Key, Flash Fiction

Ryleigh Underwood, 8

Silver Key, Personal Essay & Memoir