Suspension and Expulsion (Board Policy #233)

The following items may result in exclusions from school. Suspensions or expulsions may result from:

A. Recurring unexcused absences or tardiness (when students are past compulsory attendance age).  For high school students a total of six days of unexcused absences warrants consideration for suspension and/or expulsion under this section.

B. Possessing and/or use of tobacco products in the school buildings, on school buses or on the school grounds and/or at any school sponsored activities.

C. Excessive number of dismissals from class.

D. Tampering with any of the school's safety/signaling systems.

E. Using physical force on others (including school employees).

F. Discharging any pyro-technical device – such as smoke bombs, cherry bombs, scribs, pop-its and the like.

G. Selling, possessing, using or manufacturing drugs, alcohol, pills or paraphernalia, or look-alikes.

H. Using obscene or profane language.

I. Willfully disobeying or defying school authority.

J. Harassing or assaulting others.

K. Participating in fight(s).

L. Vandalizing or destroying school property.

M. Violating state/federal laws (ex. stealing, extorting, and harassing).

N. Possessing weapons and/or look-alikes on school property.

O. Harassing. threatening school officials or visitors.  

P. Harassing or bullying (to include cyber-bullying) other students.

Q. Failure to attend mandatory assessment in conjunction with violations of the drug and alcohol policy.

R. Behaving in a manner that causes a significant disruption or the prediction of a significant disruption to the school (including social media)

S. Committing any other offense deemed sufficiently serious by the administration.